Monday, April 14, 2008

Reporting From...


The last time you checked I was in Chicago and the next thing you know, I’m back home in India. Sweltering hot, noisy, dirty, crowded, chaotic India. All that and home.

I made this decision to return all on my own. My assignment done, I was ready to begin on a new, longer one right there in Madison. But then all in a day, things changed and I decided to return. I was unable to concentrate on work and I kept thinking about all the million things I had to arrange for and do. I know I’m being all mysterious, but I’m saving the big news for another post.

Madison. What a life altering experience that was. Did I anticipate having so much fun? Or did I anticipate enjoying work as much as I did? Answer to both is a resounding No! It is ironic how, having written off work and The Company as something I do and enjoy in bits (like when I’m quizzing or organizing events here or meeting the amazing people I have at The Company) while cursing to oblivion at other times, I actually began to enjoy work at Kraft. Add to it a fun boss, great location, healthy work hours and great junta. I had fun even when my project looked like it was crashing all around me – ok it wasn’t all ha ha-fun, but it was like challenging-fun, the fun you get when you’re racing against time and each time you fix one hurdle you’re going yesss! Everything was a new experience, best of all being the knowledge that I could actually cook!

So why did throw it all away, that too all of a sudden, to return to India?

1 comment:

Ashwin Alexander said...

Duh! It's so obvious. The answer is in the second label.


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