I had the most gastronomically satisfying two weeks recently. The title is an indicator!! I had more Cappuccino than ever before and that too from different coffee outlets in Chennai. As though that didn’t get me hyper enough, I managed to take a detour to Hot Breads, almost everyday, on my way home to indulge in some most unnecessary Chocolate pastry. As though I need comparisons, because there can really be just one heaven, right? Wrong! There is heaven, there is uber-heaven and then there is the I-just-died-and-went-to-heaven heaven; this last one is reserved for Chocolate Fantasy alone. So for want of anything better to do, I managed to sample different forms of Chocolate pastries from different outlets. In case you’re wondering, the Chocolate Fantasy emerged winner hands down!
And if that wasn’t a calorie ridden fortnight, then I don’t know what is!
By the way, I do realize that this post may be seen as being in bad taste (pun unintended, I assure you), but I’m feeling rather Calvinesque with the sugar overload (picture Calvin after a bowl of Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs).